
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Birthday Quote

So, how old are you today? Regardless of the answer, birthdays are a special day for you and your loved ones. I am proud to present some funny, some deep, When did you last hear someone say any of these phrases: I love you, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, or Happy Birthday? These phrases are done to death, Birth symbolizes a beginning. But each passing year brings with it a reduced allusion to eternity. Make a birthday wish that inspires you to live zealously. Forgot your best friend's birthday? Don't expect to escape unscathed. Perhaps you are thinking about gifting your friend an expensive belated birthday gift.

Birthday Quote

Birthday Quote

Birthday Quote

Birthday Quote

Birthday Quote

Birthday Quote

Birthday Quote

Birthday Quote

Birthday Quote

Birthday Quote

Birthday Quote

Birthday Quote

Birthday Quote

Birthday Quote

Birthday Quote

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